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When Alan Shapiro asked me to illustrate a series of concert program covers for Clone The Word Inc. in 1975, I hadn’t held a Rapidograph in my hands for 4-5 years—since I was a non-teaching member of the faculty at Stony Brook University (Instructional Resources Center).

I drew these six illustrations at a portable drafting table in the living room at 4 Park Street, Setauket, NY where I lived for about 20 years. I work with computers rather than pens now, but it would be wonderful to exercise my creative spirit in new areas. If you have any interesting creative projects that may interest me, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

By the way, the photo that you see in the upper left corner of every page in the website was taken by John Goodfellow while I was drawing one of these six illustrations. —Moyssi
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